Isles of Scilly Bryher - Church Quay 2 homes

Church Quay: 2 three bedroom houses.

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CRHA owns 2 properties at Church Quay. They were completed in September 2010.

The homes meet the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3. Hot water provided by a solar thermal system, wood-burning stoves which also provide heating via radiators and back up electric panel heaters. We were asked to give some thought as to where we could position the solar panels to minimise their visual impact. The solution we came up with was a solar shed. The properties also have high levels of insulation.

The homes are connected to a rainwater harvesting system which collects rainwater and recycles it for use in flushing toilets etc. and have allocated parking bays.

The homes have the dual distinction of being the first ever affordable housing built on Bryher, as well as being the most south westerly social housing in the country!